

Art and Evolution Reconsidered [Stephen Davies: The Artful Species, 2012.]

Stefan Descher

Zur Kodifizierung der Wissenspoetologie [Borgards/Neumeyer/Pethes/Wübben (Hg.), Literatur und Wissen, 2013.]

Katharina Lukoschek

An Invitation to Memory Studies [Astrid Erll, Memory in Culture, 2011.]

Micha Gerrit Philipp Edlich

Zum Stand des Literary Darwinism. Gesammelte Aufsätze von Joseph Carroll [Joseph Carroll, Reading Human Nature, 2011.]

Katja Mellmann

Schiffbruch mit standhaftem Kapitän – eine sagbare Tragödie [Frank Habermann, Literatur/Theorie der Unsagbarkeit, 2012.]

Andreas Heise

Basic Concepts of Narrative Theory: A Polyphonic View [David Herman/James Phelan/Peter J. Rabinowitz/Brian Richardson/Robyn Warhol, Narrative Theory. Core Concepts & Critical Debates, 2012.]

Marcus Hartner

Looking Back at Theory [Nicholas Birns, Theory after Theory. An Intellectual History of Literary Theory from 1950 to the Early 21st Century, 2010.]

Ralf Haekel

Exercises in Style: Everything You Need to Know Beginning in the Field of Stylistics [Nina Nørgaard/Beatrix Busse/Rocío Montoro, Key Terms in Stylistics, 2010.]

Christine Göb

Needing to Read like Needing to Eat: Making the Power of Literary Reading Available to Students of Literature [Christina Vischer Bruns, Why Literature? The Value of Literary Reading and What it Means for Teaching, 2011.]

Kira Sara

Why Books Can Be Good For You [Joshua Landy, How to Do Things with Fictions, 2012.]

Patrick Fessenbecker

Filmtheorie narratologisch [Markus Kuhn: Filmnarratologie. Ein erzähltheoretisches Analysemodell, 2011.]

Peter Brandes

»[…] The Lingering After-Effects in the Reader’s Mind« – An Investigation into the Affective Dimension of Literary Reading [Michael Burke, Literary Reading, Cognition and Emotion. An Exploration of the Oceanic Mind, 2011.]

Marcus Hartner

Typologies of the Iconotext [Liliane Louvel, Poetics of the Iconotext, 2011.]

Leena Eilittä