Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Action Theory, Practical Rationality, and Interpretation [Abstract]
Interpretation: Struktur und Evaluation in handlungstheoretischer Perspektive [Abstract]
Procrustean Beds and Strange Bedfellows: On Literary Value as Assigned by Literary Theories [Abstract]
Intention and Interpretation [Abstract]
Untangling the Strands of Interpretation [Abstract]
Interpretationsverhältnisse entfalten. Vorschläge zur Analyse und Kritik literaturwissenschaftlicher Bedeutungszuweisungen [Abstract]
Presence as an Effect of Mediation [Abstract]
Negative Präsenz. Die gespaltene Zeit der Erzählung bei Paul Ricœur [Abstract]
Is Aesthetic Illusion ›illusion référentielle‹? ›Immersion‹ in (Narrative) Representations and its Relationship to Fictionality and Factuality [Abstract]
The Polemic Animal (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Partisan Politics). A Reply to Karl Eibl [FULL TEXT]
I Can See Something You Don’t See – or: There Is no Alternative to the Culture of Arguments [FULL TEXT]