Bd. 1, Nr. 2 (2007) Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007)




The Discussion of Emotions in the Study of Medieval Literature [Abstract]

Emotionen als Gegenstand mediävistischer Literaturwissenschaft [Abstract]

Jutta Eming

Literature and Emotions from the Perspective of Biology [Abstract]

Biologische Ansätze zum Verhältnis von Literatur und Emotionen [Abstract]

Katja Mellmann



On the Redskins of Scientism and the Aesthetes in the Circled Wagons [Abstract]

Karl Eibl

On the Redskins of Scientism and the Aesthetes in the Circled Wagons

Karl Eibl

Von den szientistischen Rothäuten und der schöngeistigen Wagenburg

Karl Eibl

In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving? (Volltext)

In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?

Response: Literary Theory: Object Theory or Metatheory?! [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]

Norbert Groeben

Response: Psychological Foundations of Literary Theory [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]

Colin Martindale

Response: Perspectives of Literary Theory [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]

Willard McCarty

Response [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]

Michael Scheffel