Performance and Presence, Analysis of a Modern Aporia [Abstract]
Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (2007) Vol. 1, No. 1 (2007)
New Developments in Literary Theory and Related Disciplines
Text, Context, Culture [Abstract]
Text, Kontext, Kultur. Zu einer zentralen Tendenz in den Entwicklungen in der Literaturtheorie von 1980-2000 [Abstract]
Philosophy and Literature [Abstract]
›Contextualism‹ Revisited. A Survey (and Defence) of Postcolonial and Intercultural Narratologies [Abstract]
Hypothetical Intentionalism [Abstract]
Hypothetischer Intentionalismus. Rekonstruktion und Kritik [Abstract]
Three Paths in the Analytic Study of Literature [Abstract]
Drei Wege der analytischen Literaturwissenschaft [Abstract]
Cognitive Poetics and Literary Theory [Abstract]
A Tale of Two Natures: Worried Reflections on the Study of Literature and Culture in an Age of Neuroscience and Neo-Darwinism [Abstract]
A Tale of Two Natures: Worried Reflections on the Study of Literature and Culture in an Age of Neuroscience and Neo-Darwinism [FULL TEXT]
In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving? (Volltext)
In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?
Editorial: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?
Response: Theses on Literary Theory [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]
Response [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]
Response [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]
Response [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]
Response: An End to Literary Theory [Statement on: In What Direction is Literary Theory Evolving?]